Advanced School On Topological Quantum Matters

We organize and are lecturers for a summer school “Advanced School on Topological Quantum Matters” at Quy Nhon, Vietnam on June 30 - July 5, 2025. This school aimed at advanced doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career researchers. It is the first school on strongly correlated topological quantum matter in Vietnam. The School will include introductory and advanced lectures on the following topics: Topological Band Theory, Topological Quantum Matters, Quantum Field Theory Approaches, Generalized Symmetries, and Artificial Intelligence. The schedule will leave ample room for discussions.
This school will provide a great opportunity for students to engage with leading experts in the field. Through lectures, seminars, and discussions, participants will gain deep insights into cutting-edge developments in topological quantum materials while networking with distinguished researchers shaping the future of quantum science.