Scientists thread rows of metal atoms into nanofiber bundles

Our collaborative paper in van der Waals nanofibers of atomically thin W6Te6 wires was selected by Tokyo Metropolitan University news, EurekAlert!, etc. with the title “Scientists thread rows of metal atoms into nanofiber bundles”.
Mynavi news in Japanese: “都立大など、二元系TMCナノファイバー内部への金属原子を挿入する技術を開発”.
Shikoku news in Japanese: “東京都公立大学法人 無機ナノファイバーに金属原子を挿入する技術を開発”.
More information: R. Natsui et al. Vapor-Phase Indium Intercalation in van der Waals Nanofibers of Atomically Thin W6Te6 Wires, ACS Nano 17, 5561–5569 (2023).