Stacking order and strain boosts second-harmonic generation with 2D Janus hetero-bilayers

Our work in the nonlinear optical responses of 2D materials was selected by Tohoku University news, etc. with the title “Stacking order and strain boosts second-harmonic generation with 2D Janus hetero-bilayers”.
Mynavi news in Japanese: “東北大、ヤヌス型は通常のTMDよりも第2高調波が3倍以上増強することを確認”.
Nikken news in Japanese: “東北大、米ライス大とMITと共同で”ヤヌス型”2次元物質が波長400nmのSHGを発生することを第一原理計算で検証”.
More information: N. T. Hung et al. Nonlinear Optical Responses of Janus MoSSe/MoS2 Heterobilayers Optimized by Stacking Order and Strain, ACS Nano 17, 19877–19886 (2023).